School of Public Health Career Courses


The School of Public Health offers four courses to help you through the career development process. Some courses are major-specific. Not sure that a class is right for you? Your academic advisor or a career coach can help you make an informed decision.


SPH-K199 Careers in Helping Professions
2 credits | 8 weeks
Open to any IU student and is well suited to first and second year students
Helping professions are career paths that nurture growth in one or more domains of wellness, including disciplines such as medicine, nursing, allied health, social work, education, fitness, and life coaching. Students learn how their values, interests, personality, and skills align with career options in the helping professions. Focus is on early career development and navigating career resources.

SPH-K 301 Professional and Career Preparation
1 credit | 8 weeks
Recommended to upper-class students preparing for entry into the workforce or pursuing graduate/professional school
Whether preparing for graduate school or pursing a full-time position, this course will empower you to take your next step more prepared and confident. Discussions, activities, and assignments tie directly to your career success. Students choose between two tracks and learn how navigate the graduate school application process or begin full-time job search, customize application materials, convey skills and qualifications during an interview, and evaluate options in order to accept, decline, or negotiate offers.


SPH-R312 Career Perspectives & Internship Preparation
Offered by:
Health & Wellness Design Department
Majors: Parks, Recreation and the Outdoors and Tourism, Hospitality, and Event Management
3 credits | 16 weeks | Open to SPH juniors and seniors

Survey of recreation, park, and tourism services as a career field to familiarize students with concepts related to professionalism and the internship and job search process. Students will practice the process of career planning through self-assessment and exploration of career options and will receive feedback on interview and writing skills.

SPH-Y397 Career Perspectives & Internship Preparation
Offered by:
Health & Wellness Design Department
Majors: Recreation Therapy
3 credits | 16 weeks | Open to senior standing students

Survey of recreation therapy as a career field to familiarize students with concepts related to professionalism and the internship and job search process. Students will practice the process of career planning through self-assessment and exploration of career options and will receive feedback on interview and writing skills.

SPH-F430 Professional Preparation in Human Development and Family Studies
Offered by:
Applied Health Science Department Majors: HDFS and Youth Development Majors
3 credits | 16 weeks | Open to SPH juniors and seniors
Exploration of professional roles and career opportunities in youth and social services fields in preparation for internship requirement, graduate school application, job search, and life beyond graduation. Students will engage in career planning by identifying professional goals, completing personal self-assessments, marketing themselves in writing and in person, and building networking relationships through service learning, job shadows, and informational interviews.

By Kim Ecenbarger
Kim Ecenbarger Director of Career Education